About DET Practice

DETPractice.com is the best platform for
Duolingo English Test Practicing and Learning.

Check Out What We Can Do

Duolingo English Test Practice
DET Question Bank
We have the largest question bank and update it every day.You can quickly improve your Duolingo English Test score by practicing the questions.
DET Full-Length Mock Test
DET Full-Length Mock
We have the most powerful DET mock test , which allows you to accurately evaluate your test scores at a lower cost.
DET Writing AI Correction
DET AI Correction Service
You can use the AI ​​correction tools we provide to quickly improve your DET speaking and writing scores.
Duolingo English Test Course
DET Courses
We will continue to develop test preparation materials and courses based on DET's latest test features.

Although Young, But Strong

Our Vision
Making education better through AI
Our Mission
Ensure that artificial general
intelligence benefits all of students.
Our Values
Sincerity, cooperation and mutual